
One of the largest, most diverse and widespread groups of reptiles on Earth, lizards live across all continents except Antarctica.


Some lizards are plant-eaters while others are primarily predators, preying on insects and other small creatures. They use vision and their long tongues to catch and seize their prey.


Lizards live in a variety of habitats, including rocky outcrops, crevices, trees, and bushes. They are adaptable to a wide range of climates and environments, from Antarctica to the tropics. They are often nocturnal, but some species are diurnal.

They may also use tunnels or underground for shelter. Some lizards, such as chameleons, can change colors to blend in with their surroundings and help them hide from predators.

Although lizards are not endangered by humans, they are still being killed in some places due to habitat destruction and capture for captivity as pets. Some species, such as the Komodo dragon, are protected by law.

In some parts of the world, people are cutting down forests and destroying lizard habitats in order to build towns or farms. This can make a lizard’s life miserable.

There are some things you can do to help preserve lizard habitats. One way is to include rocks, logs, and other objects in your garden so they have a place to sun themselves and get away from predators. Another is to provide a shallow bowl of water in a protected area so they can have their regular supply.

Lizards also need a source of food, and most are nocturnal so they don’t eat much during the day. They can eat insects, fruit, seeds, and other plants, but will also eat smaller animals such as birds.

Some lizards, such as the Texas horned lizard, have been introduced into North America and can be seen in open areas. Other lizards, such as eastern fence lizards, prefer to live in forests and can be found throughout the United States.

They can also find shelter in a variety of different areas, including sand and gravel. In addition, they can climb trees to escape predators or to find a place to hide.

They can also be bred for sale as pets. This can have a negative effect on the population and is illegal in some places.


A lizard’s diet varies greatly depending on its species, with some being herbivorous (plant eaters) and others being carnivorous (meat eaters). In the wild, most lizards are insect eaters, eating crickets, grasshoppers, locusts, and similar bugs. Larger lizards can also prey on other lizards and other animals.

In the pet world, a variety of foods can be offered to a lizard as long as they’re not toxic. For example, bearded dragons enjoy a varied diet of insects and fruits.

The best way to provide the right food for your lizard is to determine its type first. There are herbivorous lizards that can eat fruit and vegetables, insectivorous lizards that only eat insects and carnivorous lizards that eat both meat and insects.

For insectivorous lizards, the diet can be based on crickets or mealworms. Many people use a supplement powder dusted on crickets at each feeding to help ensure that their lizards get enough calcium and vitamins.

Herbivorous lizards should be given a mixture of leafy greens and other vegetables such as mustard, dandelion, collard greens and broccoli. These greens provide a range of nutrients, including vitamin A, which helps with immune function and vision, and vitamin C, which promotes growth.

If your lizard is an insectivore, it can be fed a combination of crickets and other types of insects such as wax worms, mealworms, and roaches. This will help them avoid developing metabolic bone disease, which occurs when a lizard lacks key vitamins and minerals.

In addition to a variety of dietary options, lizards need fresh water daily and supplemental vitamins and minerals. The frequency of these dietary requirements will vary by lizard, as well as its age and breeding status.

If you’re unsure of what your lizard should eat, consult with a herpetologist to determine its needs. They can also provide you with a list of lizard-safe foods and a list of toxic foods to avoid.


A lizard breeds when two individuals of the same species mate. These mates can be either cross-bred or pure-bred.

Many lizards mate during breeding season, which typically occurs in late March or early April for tree lizards and early May to mid June for fence lizards. Females deposit one or more clutches of eggs in a nest in soil or within a decayed log. They incubate the eggs for 45 days.

During the breeding season, males defend their territories, performing head-bobbing and push-up displays to intimidate other males. They are also known to scurry through the undergrowth, looking for a female to mate with.

Females typically lay between one and six eggs, with hatchlings appearing from late June to early September. These lizards are non-vegetarian and will eat a variety of insects, fruits and seeds.

Captive-bred lizards should be placed in an artificial environment that is close to their home of origin. This should include a semi-arid habitat with hiding areas and a sand or gravel substrate.

The cage should be large enough to accommodate the lizard’s needs and offer a day/night cycle that should match their native photoperiod. You should also provide a period of dormancy for lizards that hibernate (such as collared or leopard lizards).

If you plan to breed reptiles, it’s important to have a game plan in place. You should know how you’ll care for your babies when they arrive and what steps you’ll take to sell them. You should also consider the potential costs of raising them.

In addition, you should consider whether climate change will affect the distribution of a lizard’s habitat and whether any changes to the natural fire regime or invasive plant populations could impact their range. These factors could alter refugia, reduce cover and expose them to heightened predation, potentially causing population declines.

If you’re interested in becoming a reptile breeder, you can start by contacting herp societies and reptile pet stores to see if they would be willing to buy your lizards. You can also approach schools, universities, museums and other facilities that may be interested in having live reptiles in display cases.


Lizards are a great pet choice for people who have an interest in reptiles. There are a variety of different species available, and many are very easy to care for. They are also relatively inexpensive to purchase and maintain, so they are a good option for anyone looking to get started in reptile keeping.

How much effort you need to put into caring for your lizard depends on the type of lizard you have, but most need daily fresh water and supplemental nutrients. These can include calcium, vitamin D3, and a multivitamin. They also need to be misted on a regular basis, especially during the summer.

Most lizards are omnivorous and need a wide variety of foods. They should be fed a mixture of vegetables, fruits, and insects or rodents. These foods should be soaked in water for a few minutes before feeding, which will make them easier for the lizard to chew on.

Your lizard may not like to be handled, so it is important that you only handle them when they are comfortable with it. If you must hold them, be gentle and don’t grab them by their tails.

Some lizards are very fragile, and even a small bite could cause injury. They should always be handled with gloves or a hand protector to protect them from injuries that could occur if they were to bite.

As with all pets, it is essential to provide your lizard with the emotional and physical comforts that they need. Providing these aspects is the most effective way to ensure your lizard is healthy and happy.

Ideally, your lizard’s cage should be warm and dark, but not so hot that it overheats. This is because lizards need temperatures that are within their natural range to properly digest their food.

You can use a humidity tray in the enclosure to help create that environment. However, this will only be effective if it is large enough and well ventilated.

A vivarium is an excellent choice for your lizard and can be purchased in various sizes, depending on the size of your lizard. It should have a secure door that does not allow escape, and should be heat and moisture resistant.