Dental Sedation – What Are the Different Types of Dental Sedation?

Dental sedation uses medications to help you feel calm and comfortable during your dental procedure. The dentist can administer nitrous oxide, oral sedation or intravenous (IV) sedation. 韓国歯列矯正

With nitrous oxide, you inhale a sedative gas through a mask over your nose. Its effects wear off quickly, so you can drive yourself home after your appointment.

Nitrous oxide

Nitrous oxide — commonly known as laughing gas — is a colorless and odorless gas that patients breathe through a mask to reduce their anxiety. It is very safe and takes effect quickly. It provides moderate sedation, which means you remain conscious but might feel a little carefree and forgetful.

This type of sedation allows dentists to work faster because patients won’t squirm in the chair and get in their way. It also helps patients to relax and makes them less sensitive to pain.

The drug used for oral sedation can take a while to wear off, so it is important to bring someone who will drive you home after your appointment. It is also a good idea to avoid eating or drinking anything until you have been driven home and the sedatives have fully worn off. Ideally, your sedation dentist should have oxygen and drugs that reverse the effects of sedation on hand for emergencies.

Oral sedation

Oral sedation is a good option for patients with dental anxiety and fears that prevent them from undergoing necessary dental procedures. The sedatives used in this treatment are typically safe and do not cause any side effects, making it ideal for people who have very sensitive teeth or gums. People with small mouths, children, and those with a low pain threshold or active gag reflex can also benefit from this type of sedation.

Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is a mild sedative that is administered through a mask placed over your nose. It produces a calming effect in minutes and can make you feel relaxed, even silly and giggly. It wears off quickly, so you can drive home after the appointment without a problem.

A common oral sedative is diazepam, better known as Valium. It makes patients drowsy and relaxed, but they are able to respond to verbal commands. Most people who undergo this sedation will not remember the experience, similar to how they would not recall a dream.

Intravenous sedation

For patients with severe dental anxiety, intravenous sedation can help. This method delivers drugs directly into the bloodstream and works quickly, providing a higher level of sedation than oral or nitrous oxide sedation.

It can also reduce your gag reflex, making it easier for our dentists to work on your teeth and mouth. However, the sedation can have side effects including hypoxia (low oxygen levels), cardiovascular depression, and venous irritation. Therefore, dentists who use IV sedation must be trained to handle medical emergencies and have an assistant that monitors the patient’s condition.

Sedation is typically safe for most people. But if you have certain health conditions, check with your doctor before scheduling your procedure. You should also clear your schedule for the day of the procedure, avoid strenuous activity, unapproved medications, alcohol, or operating heavy machinery, and arrange for a ride home afterward. Your sedation provider will give you clear instructions, so be sure to follow them.

General anesthesia

If you have significant fear and anxiety or are undergoing an extensive dental procedure, General anesthesia is used to ensure your comfort and safety. General anesthesia puts you into a deep sleep during the entire treatment, and you won’t remember any of it afterwards.

With this type of sedation, you’ll receive a single dose of medication that will be injected directly into your bloodstream. You’ll be unconscious but relaxed, and many patients feel groggy after their appointment. This form of sedation is typically used for dental surgeries and may require a medical professional to administer it.

The dentist should follow the ADA’s sedation guidelines, as well as have oxygen and drugs to reverse the effects on hand during your appointment. You should also give your dentist a full health history to avoid any complications. A doctor will decide which sedation method is best for you based on your medical condition. They’ll also discuss any underlying concerns that you have about the procedure.